While designed as a simple way to create alerts to remind you of buffs, debuff, or encounter mechanics, it has become an integral part of World of Warcraft user interface customization, allowing players to replace their traditional action bars, create and share complex raid information, track other players spell casts, and much, much more. WeakAuras2 is an extremely flexible addon, with near limitless creative potential and control, capable of replicating or replacing nearly any part of the user interface. I enjoy walks on the beach and this is really what makes me reliable on the subject of Ferals! I do not own a cat :( I'm well respected in the Feral community and you can find me talking about Feral (passionately) in a few different places, Twitter, my stream, and of course the Dreamgrove Discord! I've played feral since Wrath when I picked it up as main.

My name is Guiltyas, I raid in Pure on Turalyon Horde, where I recently passed Trial. Learn more about this powerful addon in our Weakauras Addon Guide. In this guide, we will explain how to use WeakAuras, make your own auras, and go over some best Feral Druid WeakAuras to get you started. If you lay WoW, you’re endgame will involve PvP, PvE, or both, and you cannot shine in either of them if you cannot manage and the magical effects that power up (or drain) your character, so an addon such as WeakAuras 2 will definitely come in handy.WeakAuras2 is an extremely flexible WoW addon, with near limitless creative potential and control, capable of modifying or replacing nearly any part of the user interface. A must-have for World of Warcraft players That is where WeakAuras 2 shines once again, with its plethora of chat announcements, sounds, preset and even user-defined animations. Given the wide variety of classes (and thus spells available in World of Warcraft), WeakAuras 2 was designed to handle all manners of buffs, debuffs, and events, such as auras, health, power, cooldowns, combat events, runes, totems, items, and many other triggers.īecause the instances where buffs and debuffs are applied intensively are usually those that clutter your screens (BGs, Arenas, Dungeons, and Raids), you’ll want some way of making the application of buffs and debuffs to stand out.

Since buffs are something you always want to have on, and debuffs are something you can’t wait to get rid of, it goes without saying that WeakAuras 2 comes with progress bars and textures that show the exact duration of auras. The UI can be maintained to be as “Vanilla” as possible thank to the custom textures including all textures from Power Auras and Blizzard’s spell alerts. Installing this addon bring no performance issues to the game whatsoever, but provides you with a plethora of tools, including an intuitive and powerful interface that makes it manageable for beginner users.